2016 2017 Hyundai Elantra Hubcap Replica 16" Silver Bolt-on Wheelcover

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Details & Dimensions

Imposter Hyundai Elantra wheelcover. Direct replacement 16 inch (R16 tire) beautiful silver finish hubcap for model years 2016 and 2017. 10 spoke bolt-on style wheel cover, just like Hyundai factory OEM original Elantra hub caps. So they really stay on your wheel because 3 of your lug nuts hold them snugly on your wheel.


Easy for you to install and you don't have to jack up your car or remove your wheel. Just remove 3 of the 5 corresponding lug nuts and then remove your old hubcap. Then line up your new hubcap with the valve stem opening on your hubcap and the valve stem on the wheel and also the remaining 2 lug nuts still on your wheel, with the two larger holes on your wheelcover. Then press the hubcap on. Then screw your removed three lug nuts back on and torque to factory specs.


Manufacturer part # IWC53616s
Keystone part # 53616

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